The only certainty is that nothing is certain. Pliny, 23-79ADIn my many years of helping to lubricate the wheels of organisational change, it’s become clear to me that change is often managed tactically, and quickly without the attention needed to bring hearts and minds with the changes needed. Long after consultation is complete and the project room doors are closed, individuals affected by the change are still in confusion, transition and often engage in either active or passive resistance. I run this workshop because change is a constant and yet research shows that many change initiatives in organisations fail.
Whilst many organisations are skilled in project managing change, the tactical, operational and process pieces of change but many fail to address the fundamental emotional aspects of change, the real the drivers of behaviour which can mean the difference between managing resistance to change and employees embracing evolution.
Using established and new models of change, NLP and neuroscience, these workshops are designed to:
- Promote a better understanding our own and others emotions in response to change
- Identify and understand specific change challenges, associated emotions and impact
- Learn practical tools, develop different perspectives and strategies to help manage and develop transition resilience
- Generate sustainable action plans to manage specific transitions
These workshops will help any team, department or organisation facing a specific transition or ongoing organisational change who wants to develop a better understanding of change and human emotions to create new perspectives, develop sustainable tools and skills enabling more effective change management and developing change resilience.